Virtuous women in the Victory of Christ.

Inspired by the Holy Spirit to be in a constant state of Introspection to help us move towards healing and wholeness.

Respecting ourselves and reaching out to other women.

Teaching them to love themselves as we have learned to do, while Trusting the Lord with every area of our own life.

As we remain Unwavering in our service to God, family, church, and

United as sisters in this ministry

The Virtuous Women’s Ministry, Inc began as the ministry for the church 21 years ago. The VWM has now become the outreach ministry of The Word of God Baptist Church. VWM, Inc. has ministered to hundreds of women of all ages as well as young girls through out, Washington, D.C. Maryland, West Virginia, and North Carolina. The purpose of the VWM, Inc. to is help women to come into the knowledge of “WHO THEY ARE” and “WHOSE THEY ARE” in the body of Christ, as they move towards healing and wholeness.

At the conclusion of two sessions, the participants have the option of participating in a completion ceremony with certificate and badge. Women can choose to become a part of the Sisterhood of Virtuous Women and attend sessions on the 1st and 4th Fridays of the month. Annual activities and conferences are held.


WOMEN OF VIRTUE meet every Tuesday at 6:30 PM
(September to June)

“Women of Virtue” is the women’s ministry for members of the church only.

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